Are Dental Crowns Permanent?

When you need to get dental crowns in Yorktown Heights, NY, the office of Dr. Donato Valente provides all the services you will need. 

What is a crown?

A crown is a cover placed over a tooth by your dentist. It brings the tooth back to its original shape and size and is designed to add strength to the tooth below. It can be made from a variety of materials. Some people prefer to have the crown look just like a natural tooth and these are made of composite resin, ceramic, or porcelain. Some people prefer metal alloy crowns. You can also opt for a combination of metal alloy and one of the natural-colored materials. 

Why choose a crown?

Many good reasons exist for choosing to cover your tooth with a crown:

  • The tooth is cracked
  • You have had a root canal
  • The tooth is discolored
  • The tooth can no longer sustain a large filling
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Filling in an empty space where a tooth was extracted or fell out

How permanent is a crown?

A crown can last for many years, even decades, if the proper care is taken. Good oral health is very important. Depending on whether you have a traditional crown or an implant crown, you have different things to think about. With a traditional crown, your tooth is still there underneath and the potential for a cavity or for bacteria to get underneath the crown is always there. You have to be extra diligent with your oral care. Brushing and flossing daily and getting a regular dental cleaning protects your dental crowns in Yorktown Heights, NY. 

With an implant crown, you still need to make sure that your gums remain healthy but you don't have a tooth underneath to get decay. 

Crowns can crack or fall off, so avoiding sticky foods is always a good idea. Don't chew ice or crack nuts with your teeth. Treat your crown well and it will give you many years of service and a smile to be proud of. 

For dental crowns in Yorktown Heights, NY, the office of Dr. Donato Valente is changing the world one smile at a time. Give them a call to make an appointment at 914-962-2828 to get started changing your life. 

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